
This module contains mixins and classes for working with templates.


alias of XHRPartialRoute

class streamline.template.TemplateMixin

Mixin that contains methods required to render templates. This class can be used by adding template-related features to any class-based route handler.


Returns the complete template context. This context is is a dict, and is built from the default context by augmenting it with the contents of the body attribute on the route handler class.

If body attribute is a dict, its keys are copied to inthe context. Otherwise, a new key, 'body' is added and the value of the attribute is assigned to it.


Returns default context. Default behavior is to return the value of the default_context property. The property must be a dict, and it is copied before being returned so that the original remains intact.


Return a template rendering function. Default behavior is to return the template_func, which must be a callable.


Returns template name. Default behavior is to return the value of the template_name property.

If template_name argument is specified, it will be used instead of the property.


Renders the template using the template name, context, and function obtained by calling the respective methods.

static template_func(*args, **kwargs)

Get a rendered template as a string iterator. You can use a name, a filename or a template string as first parameter. Template rendering arguments can be passed as dictionaries or directly (as keyword arguments).

class streamline.template.TemplateRoute(*args, **kwargs)

Class that renders the response into a template.

class streamline.template.XHRPartialRoute(*args, **kwargs)

Class that renders different templates depending on whether request is XHR or not.
